The discoveries, disasters and triumphs in the kitchen experimenting with fructose malabsorption, severe food intolerances and creating healthy food!

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Glimpse into No Bake Lemon Slice

For this week's Foodie Friday, I am looking at the humble lemon, and am giving you a tasty, super easy, no bake slice recipe which I made up recently. I have struggled to post lately because I haven't been well, so I apologise for my silence!

Lemons (and other citric fruits) are considered the lowest fructose containing fruits. Therefore they are great for use in meals and drinks for those of us with fructose malabsorption. They also have health benefits such as helping to improve skin health and beauty. They can have a calming effect so are good in stressful situations, and can help with metabolism, digestion and the elimination of toxin build up in the body. They also have antiviral qualities, with vitamin C, and can boost energy.

Soak up the benefits in this nutritious no bake slice.

No bake lemon slice


1 cup quinoa flakes or gluten free oats
1 cup almond meal (or LSA - linseed, sunflower and almond meal)
1 cup desiccated coconut
200g dairy butter
1/3 cup lemon juice
1 lemon rind
1/3 cup coconut oil
3 tbsp rice syrup
2 tbsp chia seeds
1/2 cup rice milk (if needed*)


2 cups dextrose
1 1/2 tbsp melted butter
3 tbsp lemon

Line a 20 x 30 cm tray or airtight container with baking paper.
Mix all the base ingredients together well.
Press the mixture into the lined tray or container.
Refrigerate until firm.
Combine the icing ingredients well til smooth.
Spread icing over slice base.
Refrigerate until firm.
Cut into squares.
Store in sealed or covered container in the fridge or freezer.

*You may find your mix is wet enough without the rice milk, or you may just desire a few splashes. 1/2 cup creates quite a moist slice, but it still is firm. A fork is in order to eat it with though!

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